The Madison Grid Madison

Funeral arrangements, visitation scheduled for Madison officer who died in Brandon standoff

Funeral arrangements were announced Monday night for fallen Madison Police Officer Randy Tyler. The Madison officer who died in a standoff in Brandon, Madison, will be honored with a private funeral on Thursday and burial at Natchez Trace Funeral Home in Madison. The funeral will be held at Parkway Pentecostal Church for family, invited friends, and law enforcement. Visitation for Officer Tyler will take place on Thursday, and Burial will follow. Officer Tyler was killed in the line of duty after the standoff on Thursday.

Funeral arrangements, visitation scheduled for Madison officer who died in Brandon standoff

gepubliceerd : 10 maanden geleden door in

Visitation for Officer Tyler will take place on Thursday at Natchez Trace Funeral Home in Madison. That event is private.

His funeral will be the next day at Parkway Pentecostal Church for family, invited friends, and law enforcement. Burial will follow at Natchez Trace Cemetery.

Officer Tyler was killed in the line of duty after a standoff in Brandon Thursday.

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